Search US HS Code List of Sweaters, Pullovers, Sweatshirts, Waistcoats (vests) And Similar Articles, Knitted Or Crocheted:

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HTS Code Product Description
  6110Sweaters, pullovers, sweatshirts, waistcoats (vests) and similar articles, knitted or crocheted:
          61101100Of wool or fine animal hair: of wool
          6110110015Sweaters: men's (445)
          6110110025Boys' (445)
          6110110030Women's (446)
          6110110040Girls' (446)
          6110110050Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (459)
          6110110060Women's or girls' (459)
          6110110070Other: men's or boys' (438)
          6110110080Women's or girls' (438)
      611012Of kashmir (cashmere) goats:
          61101210Wholly of cashmere
          6110121010Sweaters: men's or boys' (445)
          6110121020Women's or girls' (446)
          6110121030Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (445)
          6110121040Women's or girls' (446)
          6110121050Other: men's or boys' (445)
          6110121060Women's or girls' (446)
          6110122010Sweaters: men's (445)
          6110122020Boys' (445)
          6110122030Women's (446)
          6110122040Girls' (446)
          6110122050Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (459)
          6110122060Women's or girls' (459)
          6110122070Other: men's or boys' (438)
          6110122080Women's or girls' (438)
          6110190015Sweaters: men's (445)
          6110190025Boys' (445)
          6110190030Women's (446)
          6110190040Girls' (446)
          6110190050Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (459)
          6110190060Women's or girls' (459)
          6110190070Other: men's or boys' (438)
          6110190080Women's or girls' (438)
      611020Of cotton:
          61102010Containing 36 percent or more by weight of flax fibers
          6110201010Sweaters: men's or boys' (345)
          6110201020Women's or girls' (345)
          6110201022Vests other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (359)
          6110201024Women's or girls' (359)
          6110201026Other: men's or boys' knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (338)
          6110201029Other (338)
          6110201031Women's or girls': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (339)
          6110201033Other (339)
          6110202005Boys' or girls' garments imported as parts of playsuits (237)
          6110202010Other: sweaters: men's (345)
          6110202015Boys' (345)
          6110202020Women's (345)
          6110202025Girls' (345)
          6110202030Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (359)
          6110202035Women's or girls' (359)
          6110202041Sweatshirts: men's (338)
          6110202044Boys' (338)
          6110202046Women's (339)
          6110202049Girls' (339)
          6110202067Other: men's or boys': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (338)
          6110202069Other (338)
          6110202077Women's or girls': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (339)
          6110202079Other (339)
      611030Of man-made fibers:
          61103010Containing 25 percent or more by weight of leather
          6110301010Sweaters: men's or boys' (645)
          6110301020Women's or girls' (646)
          6110301030Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (659)
          6110301040Women's or girls' (659)
          6110301050Other: men's or boys' (638)
          6110301060Women's or girls' (639)
          61103015Other: containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair
          6110301510Sweaters: men's or boys' (445)
          6110301520Women's or girls' (446)
          6110301530Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (459)
          6110301540Women's or girls' (459)
          6110301550Other: men's or boys' (438)
          6110301560Women's or girls' (438)
          61103020Other: containing 30 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste
          6110302010Sweaters: men's or boys' (645)
          6110302020Women's or girls' (646)
          6110302030Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (659)
          6110302040Women's or girls' (659)
          6110302051Other: men's or boys': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (638)
          6110302053Other (638)
          6110302061Women's or girls': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (639)
          6110302063Other (639)
          6110303005Boys' and girls' garments imported as parts of playsuits (237)
          6110303010Other: sweaters: men's (645)
          6110303015Boys' (645)
          6110303020Women's (646)
          6110303025Girls' (646)
          6110303030Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (659)
          6110303035Women's or girls' (659)
          6110303041Sweatshirts: men's (638)
          6110303044Boys' (638)
          6110303045Women's or girls' (639)
          6110303051Other: men's or boys': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (638)
          6110303053Other (638)
          6110303057Women's or girls': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (639)
          6110303059Other (639)
      611090Of other textile materials:
          61109010Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste
          6110901010Sweaters: men's or boys' (745)
          6110901020Women's or girls' (746)
          6110901030Vests, other than sweater vests: men's or boys' (759)
          6110901040Women's or girls' (759)
          6110901050Other: men's or boys' (738)
          6110901060Women's or girls' (739)
          6110909010Sweaters for men or boys: subject to cotton restraints (345)
          6110909012Subject to wool restraints (445)
          6110909014Subject to man-made fiber restraints (645)
          6110909015Other: of silk (846)
          6110909023Other (845)
          6110909026Sweaters for women or girls: subject to cotton restraints (345)
          6110909028Subject to wool restraints (446)
          6110909030Subject to man-made fiber restraints (646)
          6110909034Other: of silk (846)
          6110909041Other (845)
          6110909044Vests, other than sweater vests: subject to cotton restraints: men's or boys' (359)
          6110909046Women's or girls' (359)
          6110909048Subject to wool restraints: men's or boys' (459)
          6110909050Women's or girls' (459)
          6110909052Subject to man-made fiber restraints: men's or boys' (659)
          6110909054Women's or girls' (659)
          6110909064Other: men's or boys' (859)
          6110909066Women's or girls' (859)
          6110909067Subject to cotton restraints: men's or boys': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (338)
          6110909069Other (338)
          6110909071Women's or girls': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (339)
          6110909073Other (339)
          6110909075Subject to wool restraints: men's or boys' (438)
          6110909077Women's or girls' (438)
          6110909079Subject to man-made fiber restraints: men's or boys': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (638)
          6110909080Other (638)
          6110909081Women's or girls': knit to shape articles described in statistical note 6 to this chapter (639)
          6110909082Other (639)
          6110909088Other: men's or boys' (838)
          6110909090Women's or girls' (838)

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