Search US HS Code List of Importations Of Foreign Governments And International Organizations

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HTS Code Product Description
  9809Importations Of Foreign Governments And International Organizations
          98090010Public documents, whether or not in the form of microfilm, microfiches, or similar film media (including exposed and developed motion picture and other films, recorded video tapes and sound recordings) issued essentially at the instance and expense of a f
          98090020Articles for foreign governments on a reciprocal basis and for public international organizations: upon the request of the department of state, office supplies and equipment and other articles for the official use of representatives of foreign governments
          98090030Articles for the official use of members of the armed forces of any foreign country on duty in the united states
          98090040Upon the request of the department of state, articles (other than communications satellites and parts thereof) which are the property of a foreign government or of a public international organization: articles which, while in the united states, will remai
          98090050Prosthetic appliances furnished by a foreign government to former members of its armed forces who reside in the united states
          98090060Headstones furnished by a foreign government for graves of its war veterans buried in the united states
          98090070Articles for presentation as gifts to the united states government, to any state or local government or to any public institution organized in the united states
          98090080Printed matter, not containing advertising matter, for free distribution

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