Search US HS Code List of Men's Or Boys' Suits, Ensembles, Suit-type Jackets, Blazers, Trousers, Bib And Brace Overalls, Breeches And Shorts (other Than Swimwear), Knitted Or Crocheted:

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HTS Code Product Description
  6103Men's or boys' suits, ensembles, suit-type jackets, blazers, trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted or crocheted:
          6103101000Of wool or fine animal hair (443)
          6103102000Of synthetic fibers: containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (443)
          6103103000Other (643)
          6103104000Of other textile materials: of artificial fibers: containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (443)
          6103105000Other (643)
          61031060Of cotton
          6103106010Jackets imported as parts of suits (333)
          6103106015Trousers, breeches and shorts imported as parts of suits (347)
          6103106030Waistcoats imported as parts of suits (359)
          6103107000Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (743)
          6103109010Subject to cotton restraints: jackets imported as parts of suits (333)
          6103109020Trousers, breeches, and shorts imported as parts of suits (347)
          6103109030Waistcoats imported as parts of suits (359)
          6103109040Subject to wool restraints (443)
          6103109050Subject to man-made fiber restraints (643)
          6103109080Other (843)
          61032200Ensembles: of cotton
          6103220010Garments described in heading 6101 (334)
          6103220020Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (333)
          6103220030Trousers and breeches (347)
          6103220040Shorts (347)
          6103220050Shirts (338)
          6103220070Sweaters (345)
          6103220080Other (359)
          61032300Of synthetic fibers
          6103230005Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair: garments described in heading 6101 (434)
          6103230007Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (433)
          6103230010Trousers, breeches and shorts (447)
          6103230025Shirts (438)
          6103230030Sweaters (445)
          6103230035Other (459)
          6103230036Other: garments described in heading 6101 (634)
          6103230037Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (633)
          6103230040Trousers and breeches (647)
          6103230045Shorts (647)
          6103230055Bib and brace overalls (659)
          6103230070Sweaters (645)
          6103230075Shirts (638)
          6103230080Other (659)
      610329Of other textile materials:
          61032905Of wool or fine animal hair
          6103290510Garments described in heading 6101 (434)
          6103290520Jackets and blazers described in heading heading 6103 (433)
          6103290530Trousers, breeches and shorts (447)
          6103290550Shirts (438)
          6103290560Sweaters (445)
          6103290570Other (459)
          61032910Of artificial fibers
          6103291010Garments described in heading 6101 (634)
          6103291015Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103 (633)
          6103291020Trousers and breeches (647)
          6103291030Shorts (647)
          6103291040Sweaters (645)
          6103291050Shirts (638)
          6103291060Other (659)
          6103292028Garments described in heading 6101: containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (734)
          6103292030Other (834)
          6103292034Jackets and blazers described in heading 6103: containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (733)
          6103292036Other (833)
          6103292040Trousers, breeches and shorts: containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (747)
          6103292044Other: trousers and breeches (847)
          6103292048Shorts (847)
          6103292052Shirts: containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (738)
          6103292054Other (838)
          6103292058Sweaters: subject to cotton restraints (345)
          6103292060Subject to wool restraints (445)
          6103292062Subject to man-made fiber restraints (645)
          6103292064Other: of silk: containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (745)
          6103292066Other: assembled in hong kong from knit-to-shape com- ponent parts knitted else where (846)
          6103292068Other (846)
          6103292070Other: assembled in hong kong from knit-to-shape component parts knitted elsewhere (845)
          6103292074Other (845)
          6103292080Other: containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (759)
          6103292082Other (859)
          6103310000Suit-type jackets and blazers: of wool or fine animal hair (433)
          6103320000Of cotton (333)
      610333Of synthetic fibers:
          6103331000Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (433)
          6103332000Other (633)
      610339Of other textile materials:
          6103391000Of artificial fibers (633)
          6103394000Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste (733)
          6103398010Subject to cotton restraints (333)
          6103398020Subject to wool restraints (433)
          6103398030Subject to man-made fiber restraints (633)
          6103398060Other (833)
      610341Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts: of wool or fine animal hair:
          61034110Trousers, breeches and shorts
          6103411010Trousers and breeches (447)
          6103411020Shorts (447)
          6103412000Bib and brace overalls (459)
      610342Of cotton:
          61034210Trousers, breeches and shorts
          6103421020Trousers and breeches: men's (347)
          6103421035Boys': imported as parts of play suits (237)
          6103421040Other (347)
          6103421050Shorts: men's (347)
          6103421065Boys': imported as parts of play suits (237)
          6103421070Other (347)
          61034220Bib and brace overalls
          6103422010Insulated, for cold weather protection(359)
          6103422015Other: boys' sizes 2-7 (237)
          6103422025Other (359)
      610343Of synthetic fibers:
          61034310Trousers, breeches and shorts: containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair
          6103431010Trousers and breeches (447)
          6103431020Shorts (447)
          6103431520Trousers and breeches: men's (647)
          6103431535Boys': imported as parts of play suits (237)
          6103431540Other (647)
          6103431550Shorts: men's (647)
          6103431565Boys': imported as parts of play suits (237)
          6103431570Other (647)
          61034320Bib and brace overalls
          6103432010Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (459)
          6103432015Other: insulated, for cold weather protection (659)
          6103432020Other: men's (659)
          6103432025Boys' (659)
      610349Of other textile materials:
          61034910Of artificial fibers: trousers, breeches and shorts
          6103491010Containing 23 percent or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair (447)
          6103491020Other: trousers and breeches (647)
          6103491060Shorts (647)
          6103492000Bib and brace overalls (659)
          61034940Containing 70 percent or more by weight of silk or silk waste
          6103494010Trousers, breeches and shorts (747)
          6103494020Bib and brace overalls (759)
          6103498010Trousers, breeches and shorts: subject to cotton restraints (347)
          6103498012Subject to wool restraints (447)
          6103498014Subject to man-made fiber restraints (647)
          6103498024Other: trousers and breeches (847)
          6103498026Shorts (847)
          6103498034Bib and brace overalls: subject to cotton restraints (359)
          6103498036Subject to wool restraints (459)
          6103498038Subject to man-made fiber restraints (659)
          6103498060Other (859)

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